Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Free Facebook Ads in Nepal

Recent statistics shows there are around  845 million monthly active users using Facebook . Therefore it has become the best market place for your business . Facebook ad is becoming the effective way of maketing your products online . But here in Nepal we dont have online payment system . So you compelled to pay high rates of Facebook ads through brokers who pay Facebook  through illegal channels and charge you almost double for actual cost . Now I m going to tell some effective ways to promote you service or websites ,

Frist you will have to open a Facebook page which is free of cost . Then instead of buying facebook fans for your page you can use following free tools that will increase your facebook fans

 You simple have to open a free account and browse through given facebook page and like it . after each like you will be awarded with  points . Then after add your facebook page url into it and put all points on it . Then point will get you free facebook fans .

2. likespal
Its a simple web program like Keeko where you will have to like other fan page and you will get certain coins for it . Then add your facebook url and invest some coins that you have earned . Then will also get free facebook fans

There are other many site like these but this two are very good sites to increase  your facebook fans  .
If you like the artical  then share it .

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