Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nepal's internet still the slowest

Nowdays in daily newspaper you may find advertisements from the Internet service providers with    attractive service with promising speeds at affordable rates . You may also find new and new ISP has arrived in market from High speed broadband to dail -up from ADSL to optical fiber . When you switch on you wifi on you laptop or Smart phone you may find numerous amount of ISP on the streets of Kathmandu and other city of Nepal . But when its come to speed and its service no ISP in Nepal lives up to mark . As compared to ISP in other countries ISP in Nepal are comparatively  slow.

Are they cheating you or they have wasted all their money on High budget ads to attract costumers only . I think instead they should spend bringing in latest technology to provide costumers with good service along with affordable price .

Now Look at this figure Nepal ISP compared to Other ISP globally
Speed comparison of ISP in Nepal

Now Take a Speed Test to check you ISP speed here

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